Meet Michael K. Okyere, a Ghanaian gospel musician and sound engineer based in the United Kingdom, specifically Milton Keynes. Originally hailing from Adukrom, Ghana, Michael’s musical...
Anggiewood, affectionately known as Bad Gyal Trender, has shattered expectations with her long-awaited comeback single “Is Not Over”. After a prolonged hiatus, fans feared her music...
Young Flame, also known as Blackstarx, has set the music scene ablaze with his latest hit single, “Side Chicks” Following the success of his previous chart-topping...
Young Ghanaian upcoming artiste E-Komla has once again pushed the boundaries of musical excellence with his latest release, “Sika”. This captivating new single, expertly produced...
British-Ghanaian singer and songwriter Marco Lowrey is gearing up to release his brand-new single “Ohemaa”, a love song produced by Ugly and Tough. This sweet serenade...
Legendary musician Omega Nen has unveiled a brand-new love song titled “Ginger”, produced by Nad Xclusive and featuring Nad. This soulful ballad is a heartfelt tribute...
Ghana’s music industry is experiencing a thrilling resurgence, thanks to the emergence of talented young artistes like E-Komla. Hailing from Jasikan in the Oti Region, the...
Rising rap sensation Joe D Official has done it again, dropping a fresh new track titled “Vibe” that’s taking the music scene by storm. Produced by...
Renowned Afrogospel artiste Joseph Matthew has teamed up with the talented Abusua Band to deliver a breathtaking live rendition of his chart-topping hit single, “Blessed”. This...
Revered Ghanaian musician, Wicked Queen J, based in Denmark, has made a remarkable achievement in the academic realm, successfully completing her two-year program in Pharmaceutical and...