The young versatile artiste “Def Kweku” who recently released his ‘EP’ (Extended Play) titled “Digital World” which he featured Amakyetherapper, and the season two winner of...
This is a brand new dancehall love joint from the dancehall demon Xuper featuring Murphy Ranking. Left and Right is a banger!!! [Download]
Madina based afrobeat sensation Alpha Bankz is out with a new song titled “Yen Da” (We won’t sleep) produced by Big Brain. The song has a...
Ghanaian music seem to be retrogressing as tallied to that of our neighbor Nigeria. Why? The answer is simple, Ghanaians are losing their pint of originality....
Osman Abraham Lincoln, the international poet and writer has released the newest creative Spoken Word beyond creativity. He talks about the ancient days and rare culture...
Ghana has for the past few days now been having good news about Apple fruits growing in the country. Our climate and soil consumption is believed...
The song “Small Small” by Kaptin Manoba is seemingly taking over as it has become a trend to make a snap with it. Many artistes like...
Talkative Music heavyweight rapper, “ALGi rEx” teams up with talented dancer “Allo Madjoa” on this new single titled “ATOR ASE3 ”. The track is his second...
It was all joy yesterday when Equiya Agyeiwaa, an Immigration officer stationed at Saltpond in the Central region was handpicked by Fameye for a convo as...
There’s been rumors which turned out to be true that popular man of God, “Apraku My Daughter” has died. The information was leaked by one Promoter...