Afrogospel vanguard, Joseph Matthew, has asserted that his innovative approach to Gospel music is revolutionizing the genre and inspiring a new wave of creativity in ways...
This September, Ghanaian cinema is set to witness a groundbreaking event with the premiere of “The Dwarf Billionaire,” a film that promises to captivate audiences with...
Revered Ghanaian musician, Wicked Queen J, based in Denmark, has made a remarkable achievement in the academic realm, successfully completing her two-year program in Pharmaceutical and...
TRAPPED is a suspenseful thriller masterpiece based on the events of a true life story, that sheds light on love, betrayal, heartbreak and mystery. The narrative...
Hundreds turned up at this year’s Atarah Praise held at the forecourt of the Believers Grace Crown Ministries International at Adenta Barrier last weekend. The event...
Bnoskka, a leading creative arts business and intellectual property consultant, is excited to announce its collaboration with Apprise Music, a renowned music publishing and distribution company,...
The National Theatre played host to the 13th edition of the prestigious ASGAB Foklex Media Awards on Saturday, 11th May, 2024, in a ceremony that celebrated...