Contrary to rumours that late Ghanaian movie star, Bob Santo, known for his satiric gestures in movies died of cocaine usage, Judas, his best friend and...
“I think Kofi Kinaata is a very good musician and not just that but the best songwriter of his generation”, Kaptin Manoba said when the team...
Former best friend of Reverend Obofour, Prophet Benjamin Opoku Agyemang aka Arch Prophet has come out to drop some wild allegation against Obofour. According to Arch...
Rising Afrobeat kum dancehall Artiste, Tina Brown Africa has gotten three nominations in this year’s Kintampo Music Awards. The young talent who has worked extremely hard...
Avis Records signed artiste Whidberry, and co affiliate Topflite Musik yesterday performed beautifully at the yearly Teshie Homowo festival. The show which featured bigwigs like Tinny,...
Afable vocal music vocalist, Tina Brown Africa has been nominated at this year’s Emerging Music Awards. Tina Brown Africa, an Afrobeat and dancehall sensation entered the...
The just ended Korsah-Brown Carnival 2019 which took place in Saltpond, Mfantseman artist where able to pull more than 5,000 fans. Mankessim base artist King Lithur...
Avis Records, an initiative under Avis Entertaiment is coming up with the “Music Talent Discovery” Competition in October this year to help push musicians to the...
Wendy Shay Rufftown Records newest signee who is already taking over after dancehall queen Ebony died, Wendy Shay...
This year has been very eventful and dramatic for Strongman’s career. It is this year that his contract with Sarkcess Music was terminated. It is also...