Renowned music lecturer and Creative Business and Intellectual Property consultant, Bnoskka, has sparked an intriguing debate in the music industry with his recent assertion on Adom...
Gyebi 1, a Ghanaian musician based in South Africa, has released a highly anticipated new single titled “July”. This captivating mid-tempo groove is poised to revolutionize...
Produced by the talented Rekx Beatz, this track is a fusion of Afrobeat and Ragga, giving it a unique and infectious vibe. “Top Hustle” is a...
Afrogospel vanguard, Joseph Matthew, has asserted that his innovative approach to Gospel music is revolutionizing the genre and inspiring a new wave of creativity in ways...
Last week, the vibrant city of Kasoa witnessed an unforgettable night of music and revelry as E-Komla, a talented young artiste, took the stage by storm...
Afrogospel artiste, Joseph Matthew has released a fresh and splendid song titled, “Fear No Evil”. This extraordinary song marks a bold departure from his usual style,...
Magic Rocker’s has released yet another jaw breaking song he dubs, “Who Are You”. This electrifying dance track is a vibrant tribute to the rich cultural...
Afrogospel star, Joseph Matthew has dropped yet another live rendition of one of his greatest hit tracks, “Nyame Ye” with Abusua Band. This particular rendition, which...
Abena Serwaa Ophelia, a renowned Ghanaian gospel musician, has unveiled her latest single, “M’aseda Dwom”, which was released on July 7, 2024, accompanied by a grand...
“We’re Not Strangers” is a work of art that will leave you spellbound and yearning for more! The rap verses flow with a mesmerizing fluidity, weaving...